Child classes:

One-to-many relationship.
Belongs to relationship.

Class Details

Abstract class that all relationships must extend from.

Class Variables

public string $attribute_name

Name to be used that will trigger call to the relationship.

public string $class_name

Class name of the associated model.

public string $foreign_key = array()

Name of the foreign key.

protected array $options = array()

Options of the relationship.

protected boolean $poly_relationship = false

Is the relationship single or multi.

protected static array $valid_association_options = array('class_name', 'class', 'foreign_key', 'conditions', 'select', 'readonly')

List of valid options for relationships.

Class Methods

public mixed __construct ( [ array $options = array()] )

Constructs a relationship.

protected void append_record_to_associate ( Model $associate , Model $record )
public Model build_association ( Model $model , [ array $attributes = array()] )

Creates a new instance of specified Model with the attributes pre-loaded.

  • Model $model - The model which holds this association
  • array $attributes - Hash containing attributes to initialize the model with
public string construct_inner_join_sql ( Table $from_table , [ bool $using_through = false] , [ string $alias = null] )

Creates INNER JOIN SQL for associations.

  • Table $from_table - the table used for the FROM SQL statement
  • bool $using_through - is this a THROUGH relationship?
  • string $alias - a table alias for when a table is being joined twice
  • return: SQL INNER JOIN fragment
public Model create_association ( Model $model , [ array $attributes = array()] )

Creates a new instance of Model and invokes save.

  • Model $model - The model which holds this association
  • array $attributes - Hash containing attributes to initialize the model with
protected void create_conditions_from_keys ( Model $model , [ $condition_keys = array()] , [ $value_keys = array()] )
  • Model $model -
  • $condition_keys -
  • $value_keys -
protected void get_table ( )
public bool is_poly ( )

What is this relationship's cardinality?

public void load ( Model $model )

This will load the related model data.

  • Model $model - The model this relationship belongs to
  • abstract:
protected void merge_association_options ( $options )
  • $options -

Eagerly loads relationships for $models.

  • Table $table -
  • $models $models - array of model objects
  • $attributes $attributes - array of attributes from $models
  • $includes $includes - array of eager load directives
  • $query_keys $query_keys - -> key(s) to be queried for on included/related table
  • $model_values_keys $model_values_keys - -> key(s)/value(s) to be used in query from model which is including

This method takes an array of models, collects PK or FK (whichever is needed for relationship), then queries the related table by PK/FK and attaches the array of returned relationships to the appropriately named relationship on $models.

protected void set_class_name ( $class_name )
  • $class_name -
protected void set_inferred_class_name ( )

Infers the $this->class_name based on $this->attribute_name.

Will try to guess the appropriate class by singularizing and uppercasing $this->attribute_name.

protected void unset_non_finder_options ( $options )
  • $options -