Yoan B

  • Registered on: 2010-11-23
  • Last connection: 2012-04-15


Reported issues: 0


10:49 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: difference between find() and all() and debugging question
You really should activate the errors (at best, in your php.ini):
<pre class="code"><code class="php">
07:54 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: closing db connection
PHP AR uses PDO (http://php.net/pdo) and there are no methods to close the db connection. Your problem might be elsew...
07:50 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: difference between find() and all() and debugging question
<pre class="code"><code class="php">
// will use find_by_pk and throw a RecordNotFound exception.


07:24 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: conn for select and different one for insert, update
Afaik you'll have to hack something specific
07:19 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: Namespace support
Afaik nope. On github you may find some attempts.
07:19 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: Better support of Namespace for Model
It's in the master on github.


02:38 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: "group by" clause


02:49 PM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: Nightly build
You can download it from github directly: https://github.com/kla/php-activerecord/downloads


06:30 PM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: Better support of Namespace for Model
Now that I have super power on the repository, I can apply my patch on it. I'll try to redo a clean pull request and ...


02:04 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Has support for embedded class?
> _But, in real world, we can have related fields with more attributes (`commercial_address` and `residential_address...

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