Daniel Lowrey

  • Registered on: 2011-03-28
  • Last connection: 2011-11-30


Reported issues: 0


02:11 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: php-activerecord using too many ressoucres
How are you initializing the ActiveRecord Config? Is it like the following?
<pre class="code"><code class="php">


02:28 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Using activerecord with multiple DB shards/partitions
I posted something along these lines a few months back -- it may shed some light on what you're looking to ...


03:55 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Optionally selecting connection on a per query basis
Re-bumped for even greater justice!
I spent a bit of time today looking through the php-ar source and here's one w...


06:14 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: How to invoke stored procedure?
I don't believe you can do this strictly with php-activerecord at this time. Your best bet is to retrieve the PDO con...


09:44 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: How To: Perform custom validation only on update
You can accomplish what you want (or at least what I understand you to want) by using ...


03:29 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Model Constructor Function -- How to?
If you're going to extend \ActiveRecord\Model::__construct() you still need to pass it the same parameters it would'v...
12:19 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Tabel with no primary key??
This topic is covered extensively on the Wiki's Associations page:
03:03 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: php-activerecord using too many ressoucres
For one thing, php-ar uses PDO connection objects and those have no "close()" method ... so there's not an easy way t...
02:54 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Optionally selecting connection on a per query basis
Bumped for great justice.
I've spent the last hour trying to work this out with little success. It seems the most ...
01:24 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Table joins...how to get 'other' table field values?
When you perform a join in this manner you need to add a custom select clause to access the joined properties. So, fo...

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